About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Prelim Video

Final Film- Special Kate

Saturday 8 January 2011

Yesturday night I watched Shelock Holmes. I've been wanting to see it for ages now. It was so cleverly made and I spotted loads of really good shots, sadly far too sophisticated for us to try and use. A shot that really stood out was when Holmes was being chased down the street by the bad giant man. The camera is placed up quite high (birdseye view) and the shot begins with the camera shooting upside down. As they run down the street the camera follows them as they pass underneath it, eventually turning itself the right way up. It then continued to film them running further away from the camera. Another main thing that stood out to me was the location of the sewer. They were able to capture some amazing shots because of it, I loved it. Also when Holmes jumps out the window of palament into the river, I thought the framing of that shot was stunning, however I couldnt help but laugh, as Holmes looked really tiny from such a far distance.

Here's the trailer for the film, you might be able to spot some of the shots which I was talking about..

Here are some of the other shots that I also really liked.

Shot from underneath, making Holmes look bigger, stronger and perhaps more intimadting.

Even though Blackwood is behind the bars he seems a lot more in control and here Holmes looks perhaps weaker and more vulnerable. Of course we know that Holmes knows exactly what Blackwood is up to, perhaps he is covering this up which is why he is appearing to be weak infront of him.

I thought this was a very clever well thought out shot as it almost represents her character. She has two different sides to her, her good, caring side and her tough bad side.

This shot must have been done using graphics, however it is still a really amazing shot, it is just as effective and does look realistic.

This shot has been cross focused. The camera focuses on Holmes but still has the other fighter in shot. The effect almost seperates his character from the rest of the world whilst he is thinking of what injuries to inflict on his apponent. During this section the footage has been slowed down showing us the fight in 'slow motion'. This creates more impact for when he attacks the other fighter. It was infact a really effective clever idea.

1 comment:

  1. It is such a brilliant film!

    And there's no reason why you can't experiment and try to get some kind of bird's eye view shot.. poss hanging out some bedroom windows? Following the track of the alarm clock??

    I mean, it'll be difficult but not impossible..
