About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Prelim Video

Final Film- Special Kate

Monday 11 October 2010

Here is a video of our film proposal telling everyone our ideas in order to get some feedback and see if what are hoping to do is possible.

In todays lesson we cracked down on story boarding our film opening, putting all our ideas together to make a more detailed plan. Nothing is completely set in stone yet however here is what we've come up with so far..

Ideas for story boarding:


Alice's sister has kindly given permission to use her bedroom for our indoor location as it seems to have everything we need for example a mirror next to a window (for shot 14).


1. pictures presents..
2. alarm clock
3. alarm clock (shot is closer this time)
4. alarm clock (extreme close up of clock when the alarm goes off) arm reaches to turn it off
5. girl sits up (big hair, smudged make-up, hungover) shot freezes-voice over (meet...)
6. struggles with alarm clock
7. throws out window
8. clock flies out window
9. runs to window (oops..)
10. someone is lying on ground outside (hit by alarm clock)
11. shuts window (embarrassed, doesnt want to get caught)
12. looking in mirror (camera acts as mirror so she is looking into camera instead)
13. brushes hair (over shoulder shot) brush breaks (knotted hair)
14. (camera pans round so that window is in shot, girl unaware) person lying on ground attracts a crowd
15. hands opening wardrobe
16. pulls out different outfits and throws them behind
17. tries on outfit (camera zooms in)
18. (when camera zooms out she is in a different oufit) zooms in again
19. (zooms out) she is again in a different oufit (takes off top, throws, lands on camera, creates black out effect-perhaps some credits here or title may come up)
20. finds outfit (looks flustered) turns around skirt tucked into pants
21. feet running downstairs (point of view shot-camera held by actor)
22. (quick snappy shots) grabs bowl
23. grabs cereal
24. grabs juice (hear sound of cutlery as if getting spoon)
25. grabs bag
26. exits house (long distance shot)
27. close up of her face (discusted at cereal realises she has put juice in instead of milk) looks over at crowd surrounding injured person
28. shot of crowd
29. close up of girls face (shocked)
30. shot of alarm clock on floor and her feet, kicks it behind a bin
31. actor from crowd looks over
32. girl walks over, hands cereal to person in crowd scurries off in a hurry
33. confused face of by stander
34. shot of cereal floating in juice
35. long shot of girl walking down road
36. over shoulder head shot bus in distance drives past
37. bus pulls up
38. girl sitting on bus
39. starts to fall asleep hits head on seat in front
40. (shot of lips) tries to apply lipstick-accidentally draws over her cheek because the bus is moving
41. gets off bus
42. walks down road (point of view shot of feet)

Although there seems to be lots of different shots, most of them are only a couple of seconds long and so were confident that after editing our film opening, it will be just two minutes long.