About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Prelim Video

Final Film- Special Kate

Thursday 7 October 2010

Film Proposal

1. Is your idea PRACTICALLY possible to film? (no speeding trains, sea battles etc)
Yes our film opening will be possible to film, as we are planning on keeping it quite simple, no special effects like gun shots.

2. Will it show off the strengths of EVERY member of your group?
If we all find we have different strengths, then we'll try to allocate everyone with something their good at but we'll try to make it as equal as possible, taking it in turns to film and edit.

3. Can it be storyboarded okay?
It shouldn't be a problem putting our ideas on paper although it will take alot of thought and time in order to make sure everything is planned properly.

4. Is it something you can reasonably shoot and edit in the time available?
Yes, hopefully if all goes well we'll only need a day for shooting, and as for the editing i'm confident that our film will be finished in time.

5. Can you get access/permission to shoot in the chosen location at the chosen times?
Our idea may include a bus and/or a train, however Valentina's dad is a bus driver so we're hoping to have permission to use his bus if possible. On the other hand most of the other shots are likely to be filmed at home so hopefully there shouldn't be any big problems.

6. Would lighting/sound be an issue on location?
It is likely that we'll add all the sound in when editing (music).  This is because if we were to include dialogue we may find it difficult to get a clear sound with no background noise. Lighting shouldn't be much of a problem as not much of our film opening will be shot outdoors but also were hoping to shoot over one day.

7. Are you going to include dialogue? If so, can you do it on location or will you need to add it later?
We have decided not to use dialogue (not 100% sure yet.)

8. Who will be cast as your characters on screen? Are they reliable? Will continuity be an issue?
Only members of our group will be cast as the characters on screen so that we will not have to rely on others and continuity should not be an issue as again we will be filming over one day.

9. Have you thought about style of credits and soundtrack?
We really want the credits and the soundtrack to reflect the genre of the movie (comedy), so we may include some funky special effects.

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