About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Prelim Video

Final Film- Special Kate

Monday 7 February 2011

In today's lesson me and Charlotte had lots to catch up on as unfortunately I wasn't well and so couldn't come in on Friday. Charlotte kindly managed to write up a list of all the things we will need to re film..for the third time now. Its all the footage of me (Kate) in bed asleep and all of the Snorricam stuff, which was darkly lit.

We also began to discuss ideas for our production company name and the actual credits themselves. We decided to go on YouTube and look at some more examples of film openings for chick flick/comedy genres. We watched the opening of mean girls, Juno and Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.

We liked the quirky colourful font colours they used for the credits especially from Mean Girls (couldn't get it off YouTube due to it being copy righted) and decided that we really liked the idea. Although Juno and Cloudy with a Chance of meatballs mainly use animation we still got ideas for the orders in which we will display our credits. I made a list for the order in which Mean Girls display their credits so that we know the main ones we will need to include.

Here is the order from Mean Girls..
1. Production company (Paramount)
2. A...(someones name) production
3. Main actor (Lindsey Lohan)
4. The title (Mean Girls)
5. Actors names appeared on the screen whenever the character was shown (this continued for a while)
6. Casting by..
7. Based on the book..
8. Music supervisors..
9. Music conducted by..
10. Co producer..
11. Costume designer..
12. Editor..
13.Production designer..
14. Director of photography..
15. Executive producer..
16. Produced by..
17. Screen play by..
18. Directed by..(at this point the directors name was shown on a plain yellow door which allowed it to stand out from all the other credits, this was also used in Devil when the directors name was shown on the plain white floor in order for it to be seen clearly)

We found this really helpful as before we had no idea of the kind of credits we needed.

For our production company name we found that it can literally be called anything, like for example in Juno their company name is Mr Mudd productions. I suddenly had an idea for a name we could use 'bumble bee productions' and the idea of maybe using some kind of graphics to make an animated bee fly around either to spell out the company name or underline it. Charlotte's parents are graphic designers so she is going to ask them if its possible to help us create something like that.

Maybe something a little like this bumble bee..(ignore the fact its foreign)

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